Joyfully worshipping God in all of life
Sunday services:
8:30 and10:30 am
In-Person and Online
195 Main St, Suite 4 Franklin MA 02038
(508) 948-3319

I'm delighted that you've taken a few minutes to visit our web site. Perhaps you are looking for a church and may be thinking about worshiping with us on a Sunday morning. Regardless of the reason for your visit, we'd like to warmly welcome you on behalf of Redeemer. We invite you to come as you are!
At Redeemer we follow Jesus together as a family of faith, worshiping in the Anglican Way. We believe that from the very youngest to the oldest, each member of Christ's church is an important part of our community! We're a biblically-based church, which seeks to be faithful to the historic Christian faith. We truly believe and confess Jesus Christ to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life. This is evident in our worship each and every Sunday morning. We believe it is important to live in Christian community so we offer a variety of opportunities for worship, relationship, spiritual growth, service, and learning for children and adults.
What does it mean to be a Christian in the Anglican faith?
The Anglican Church in North America unites more than 112,000 Anglicans in nearly 1,000 congregations across the United States, Canada and Mexico into a single Church with a shared commitment to “Reaching North America with the Transforming Love of Jesus Christ.” Our parish is a part of the Anglican Diocese in New England.
We are part of a worldwide communion uniting millions of people in more than 160 countries. Anglicanism melds the rich history and traditions of both catholic and protestant Christianity. Anglican congregations bring together vibrant faith in Jesus Christ, a commitment to the trustworthiness and authority of Scripture, the beauty of liturgical worship, and an expectation of the powerful work of the Holy Spirit.
We are evangelical Christians believing that the Bible is the Word of God and that is has unique authority over our lives. Our churches teach how the Bible applies to our daily lives and God’s love for the whole world, expressed in Jesus Christ, is Good News that we are called to share.
We are catholic Christians as a part of a worldwide church of more than 85 million people that grew out of the Church of England. We are united to each other and to the broader Christian tradition by a shared way of worship, church order, and the celebration and sharing of the sacraments.
We are charismatic Christians believing the Holy Spirit is active in believers, enabling, teaching, healing and calling us to love our neighbors and change the world.
We look forward to hearing from you or meeting you in person. Blessings!